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Our family welcomes you and thanks you for stopping by to visit. We are delighted you have taken a few minutes out of your day to spend with us. We are Joe and Jessica. We have two children and one very regal beagle! We post often and it usually includes details of our Christian faith; life here in the South; entertaining our family and friends; tales of our travels; as well as the daily adventures of having two children. Oh, and our passion for Alabama Crimson Tide Football!
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What time I am afraid I will trust in thee
Psalm 56:3

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

We are home!

Where to start? Oh my goodness what a weekend. We had a wonderful trip to the beach. It took us almost twice as long to return home as it did to get there due to the traffic, but it was worth it. Here is a brief rundown of the events from the weekend....................................

We attended a fabulous 4th of July party. Everything was decorated in red, white, and blue. We drank Pimms cups galore in honor of our friends from England. Dr. and Mrs. Greene were wonderful hosts and we had an amazing time.

While there Olivia got to call London and talk with her friend Josephine. She thought that was very fun! We ate real Memphis BBQ cooked by a national BBQ winner. Then we took in the gorgeous fireworks on the beach by the City of Gulf Shores.

On our way home we drove past an enormous wildfire and traffic was somewhat delayed so we watched for a long time and Olivia took every moment in. It was quite exciting and a little scary. Over 15 acres burned before it was under control and we heard illegal fireworks were the culprit.

Not to bring an end to the excitement of the weekend this morning Chief and Joe killed a rather large snake that had found it's way into the backyard of my parents home.

Thanks for a great weekend Chief and GrandMaMa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We missed the fireworks here at home in Helena, but a fellow blogger had a picture of them posted. They were beautiful and perhaps we will take them in next year.

We ask that you keep some very dear friends in your prayers as they to have suffered a still born birth in their family over the holiday.

The fourth was birthday for two of the little ones (not twins) in our crew.


Grayson(2) and Riley Claire(1)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a wonderful 4th! Thanks also for the birthday wishes for our little man Grayson. He had a wonderful birthday! So sorry to hear of your friends tragic loss. It hits way to well with me. I will keep them and their family in my prayers constantly. Much love to you!

